Monday, February 1, 2010

Explain where you are in your game. Are you headed in the same direction that you started or have you taken a detour? What is the most exciting thing about your game? What is going to be the most difficult thing in making your game? Do you need help in any part of your design? Are you planning on adding anything that was not included in your paper prototype? If so, why did you change your mind?

In my game all I have to do is make my car move to pick the right answer. The most exciting thing about my game is going to be being able to make the car move. The most difficult thing in my game is the code and actions. No I haven't changed anything in my game since the paper prototype.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, have you identified a code you would use to make the car move? If you are planning on moving it with arrow keys, your mini game unit file could help you with the code (the code that applies to moving the rabbit). The main thing is to know exactly what you want to do with the objects in your game and then browse through the units of Globaloria to help you with the Flash. Good luck!

